Spiritual Vaccine Summit: October 17 - 21, 2020
It's time to P.L.A.Y.—Prosper, Laugh, and Amaze Yourself!
You can feel more confident, vibrant, and prosperous beginning now. Come join us at the "Red Rock Table." Together, we can let go of what holds us back and create a brighter future today! Grant yourself permission to have fun and master your ability to play at the Spiritual Vaccine Summit with the Sedona SuperTeam. We are caring for human body and Earth body together. Yay!
My name is Ilana Kristeva, Self-Care Vigilante and Founder of Field of Choices, where leaders and coaches Play Well, Sleep Well, to Serve Well. I am also the creator of the podcast Instant Gratitude Now—Broadcasting Vibrancy Everywhere!
Right here and now, this period in human history is an extraordinary opportunity for us to master our ability to be playful through exceptionally challenging times. Of course, we could choose to sit and wait for circumstances to change. The good news is that we do not have to hold our breaths for anyone or anything.
Together, we are cultivating Spiritual Vaccine for the healing of our human body and Mother Earth's body—one consciousness.
At this Summit, Ilana Kristeva will reveal her magical experience on Twin Buttes (Red Rock of Sedona, Arizona) in early 2018. From it emerged the Play and Co-Create Retreat (Sedona 2019), the Spiritual Vaccine Summit (Sedona 2020), and the Power of Play Retreat (Sedona 2021).
She will also share the mystical story that launched the t-shirt campaign Spiritual Vaccine in March 2020, the start of California's mandated "sheltering in place" due to the global Coronavirus pandemic. Enjoy a campaign that offers hope for all!
Mark Your Calendar to be with us from the comfort of your home. Allow Sedona and the SuperTeam to share with you beautiful energy as we broadcast "live" on the red rocks.
I, "Red Rock Hugger," will have two Sedona SuperTeam members by my side (social distancing, of course). Meet "Compass of Compassion" Joan Marie and "Elite Mountaineer" Jim Geiger. Three other members will be with us online: "Voice for Mother Earth" Andrea Dawn Driver (Colorado), "Galaxy Connector" Karen Takayama (California), and "Heart Communicator" Julie Saillant (South Carolina).
Yes, the call of Mother Earth through Sedona is very powerful. We are caring for human body and Earth body together, elevating our consciousness to new levels, and creating a more transparent, loving, and compassionate future right here in this very moment. Listen and Relax to Ilana's Sedona Prayer.
Allow Mother Earth to communicate to you through Sedona's divine masculine and divine feminine vortexes as we navigate—with grace and confidence—our new world reality. Yes, dangers are present, and our active choice to care for ourselves and our planet together will make all the difference.

We are shaping the future with our presence today.